Modbo 4.0 Installation
The Modbo 4.0 is a modchip for the PlayStation 2 which works both Fat and Slim consoles! Every version has a different wiring method but this is a one size fits all chip, so to speak. It is a clone of the Matrix line of modchips, even sporting the Matrix Infinity 1.93 firmware on it!
Free Pat Files For Revita. This is a 21 wire install and the PS2 has some super tiny points, so be prepared to have a steady hand and some patience if you take on the task of installing this little monstrosity! Notable features of the chip include: Playing imported/backed up PS1 and PS2 games, screen fixes for out of region games, and region free DVD playback! Where I Purchased My Modbo From: This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational piece of media.
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Hi, There seems to be a mistake in the Modbo 4.0 install diagrams (available on the web) for some of the 9000x units., mainly the two boards GH-071-42 & the GH-072-42. Prior to installing a modbo 4.0 on a GH-071-41 yesterday, I compared the two install diagrams of the 2 variants: GH-071-41 & GH-072-42, and they're almost identical in terms of board layout. The only different connection was the point 'CX'. I found that odd, since the layout in the area appears to be exactly the same, with the same components on both builds. So I wondered if it's not just another mistake (there's also a mistake for some other pin for the V7: 39001 units as well).
Sip Trunk Setup Trix Box Support. Download Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone Sub Indo Lengkap. Anyway, I soldered the 'CX' point per the GH-071-42 install diagram (which is the board I have), and everything worked except backup DVD9 games (I don't have original DVD9 games, so not sure about those). I changed the 'CX' solder point per the GH-072-42 diagram, and that fixed it. I soldered the 'CX' wire back and forth, between the two locations twice to validate the findings, and in both cases, DVD9 backups won't play (stops at the browser screen) per the connection point of GH-071-41, and DVD9 backups would play per the connection point of GH-072-42, even though it's a GH-071-42 board. Example of install diagrams of the GH-071-42 with the mistake: Other sources also had this mistake. Install diagram of GH-072-42: I couldn't find any info on the web, so I thought I'd add this here just in case someone else may run into this some day. Edit - Adding details: - This is the Modbo 4.0 with 1.93 Matrix Infinity FW - The DVD9 support was enabled in the configuration menu - Modbo 4.0 PCB is not white, but dark green/blue • •.