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Electric Drives An Integrative Approach Solutions Manual

Introduction From communication systems to bridges, from satellites to manufacturing—society depends on engineers. A KU engineering education helps students understand technical principles and the background behind them and prepares them for the changes ahead.

Most graduates assume responsible positions in business, industry, education, or government, but engineering programs also provide an excellent background for other careers. Many graduates are CEOs of major companies or enter fields like medicine or law. Mission The mission of the school is to provide students a high-quality educational experience, to generate and apply knowledge through research, development, and scholarly activity, and to serve society, the state of Kansas, and the engineering profession. Graphicriver Shatter Photoshop Action 8116407. In accordance with this mission and with KU’s mission, all undergraduate engineering programs and the computer science program must meet these objectives. Additional objectives are specified in program descriptions. The school offers 12 undergraduate degree programs: • • • • • • • • • • • • Engineering and computer science degree programs are accredited by the. High School Preparation Preparation for an engineering career begins in high school with basic mathematics and science courses.

Prospective engineering students should take mathematics through at least trigonometry and at least one year of both chemistry and physics. A well-rounded background in English, history, economics, and social studies, preferably with some computer operations and programming and advanced mathematics, affords flexibility in choosing a concentration. A strong college preparatory program provides a good background for the student who plans to major in engineering. Honors Programs The school encourages all qualified students to participate in the.

Students in engineering must meet with an engineering advisor every semester and should also meet with an honors program advisor. Some engineering departments offer an option to graduate with departmental honors. Departments set these requirements. Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree Requirements The B.S.

Degree is offered with majors in aerospace engineering, architectural engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, mechanical engineering, and petroleum engineering. The school also offers the B.S. Degree in computer science, interdisciplinary computing, and information technology. First- and Second-Year Preparation Undergraduates usually enroll in engineering in their first year. The first few semesters of all the curricula contain a large proportion of common courses.

Through proper planning with advisors, students may delay choosing specific fields for one or two semesters. Selecting the major by the beginning of the third semester is strongly encouraged so that the recommended schedule of classes can be followed. Each engineering degree program includes courses in 5 general areas of study: • KU Core (communications, humanities, social sciences, diversity, ethics, etc.), • Basic sciences, • Basic engineering sciences, • Specialized engineering sciences, and • Engineering design. The computer science degree program has a similar structure, but computer science courses replace some engineering courses.

Courses taken during the first 2 years are largely from the first 2 areas, with a few courses in the basic engineering sciences or computer science. The basic sciences include mathematics, chemistry, and physics and further course work in the earth and life sciences in some of the curricula. Appropriate laboratory experience that combines elements of theory and practice is included in each student’s program, together with extensive computer-based experience. Completion of the KU Core is required in all majors. Each department recommends certain courses be used to fulfill the KU Core within each major to allow students the greatest flexibility in degree completion. Requirements for Graduation In addition to completing each of the required and elective courses listed in the curriculum, • A student must attain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.0 in the courses applied toward the degree. A student must also have a KU cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 whether or not all courses are being applied to the degree.