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I have Commvault visiting tomorrow. We're a Commvault/Galaxy/Simpana/Whatever they're called this year customer, and I must admit I do like their product. Not so keen on their pricing model though, and with a support renewal coming up I'm wondering what else is out there? The main bone of contention I have with Commvault is their D2D licensing, it's per Tb, and if you want dedupe that's also per Tb, and it's expensive.
Just tossing options around if we were to look elsewhere, so with what I've just said, what else would be worth looking? We're primarily a vsphere shop, we have lots of spare bulk disk capacity that I could use for D2D backups, I simply can't afford (literally) to license it using Commvault. I'm wondering the same thing. Ishowu Hd Keygen Mac Torrent. I don't know that I could bring myself to switch to a whole other backup suite, but I've been thinking about maybe using something else for the vmware specific stuff (which has become 80ish% of our infrastructure) like veeam or phd virtual.
I like commvault, and I like the idea of keeping everything in one place, but I want to switch over to D2D backups with dedupe, and don't really want to have to worry about the size of the backups (figuring out how much I need, truing-up periodically, etc.). Preliminary pricing doesn't seem too bad to me just to get the vmware agents and dedupe, but it's definitely not cheaper than just buying a product like veeam for vmware-specific backups. Has capacity-based pricing become somewhat standard, or are there other similar products (i.e. Backup exec) that just let you buy the licenses you need? Glorifindel FWIW we use phdvirtual for most of our vmware backups and it is a truly excellent product, especially the new version. Where I personally feel they have a few issues, and they are working on and improving this a lot, is the whole 'How to get the de-duped backups off the backup store and to tape' or whatever off-site/long-term 'sealed' backup media you use.
In our case the main reason for sticking with Commvault (or any 'major' backup product) is that we have around 8tb on our main file server right now which is backed up to tape. I'd love to backup to disk (at least as primary backup medium) but then we're back to the licensing pricing. It's been about six years since I last deployed NetBackup from scratch, but you might consider it. I've always thought it was a terrific product, despite Veritas having been snapped up by Symantec ('the place where good software goes to die', according to one colleague).
The client I'm working with just now use Simpana, and I can only agree - the Commvault licensing model is insanely complicated. I had a bit of input into requirements at the time of the last renewal, because it coincided with a datacentre remodel that I was working on and we were bitten by a couple of, shall we say, 'less than clear' component dependencies that were not made clear to us. It's a decent product, but the licensing is really complex. We are actually in the process of converting our existing NetBackup/DataDomain D2D2T system to CommVault using the capacity based pricing. What do you consider as being expensive?