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Beretta Manufacture Date By Serial Number


Beretta date codes Italian guns are easily dated by a code - not in the serial numbers but next to the proof mark. Here's the list - and apologies for a rather long post: Roman numeral series I=1945; II=1946; III=1947; IV=1948; V=1949, VI=1950; VII=1951; VIII=1952; IX=1953; X=1954; XI=1955; XIII=1957; XIV=1958; XV=1959; XVI=1960; XVII=1962; XIX=1963; XX=1964; XXI=1965; XXII=1966; XXIII=1967; XXIV=1968; XXV=1969; XXVI=1970; XXVII=1971; XXVIII=1972; XXIX=1973; XXX=1974.

Beretta M9 Manufacture Date By Serial NumberBeretta 1951 Date Of Manufacture By Serial Number

Beretta 9mm Production Line. Need info on a bobcat 21a its in. Beretta 21a serial number dates, beretta 21a Beretta Serial Numbers Manufacture Dates digests Dating a Beretta. Exploring Biology In The Laboratory Pendarvis Pdf To Jpg there. Dating beretta serial numbers.

The above Roman numerals are the official version, but I have heard of some Arabic numerals creeping in as a sort of “shorthand” – for instance, XX8 for 1972 – in order to save space. Letter series AA=1975; AB=1976; AC=1977; AD=1978 AE=1979; AF=1980; AH=1981; AI=1982; AL=1983; AM=1984; AN=1985: AP=1986; AS=1987; AT=1988; AU=1989; AZ=1990; BA=1991; BB=1992; BC=1993; BD=1994; BF=1995; BH=1996; BI=1997; BL=1998; BM=1999; BN=2000; BP=2001; BS=2002; BT=2003; BU=2004; BZ=2005; CA=2006; CB=2007; CC=2008 CD =2009.

Mar 26, 2011. I was trying to register my 92FS to day And the registration process claimed the serial number was non existent. It's a 'Made in Italy'. Drivers Diebold Procomp Im4x3tp. This SN, format wise, is consistent with an Italian Manufacture Beretta. I quick look has. What is the 2 letter date code on the rights side, near the triggerguard? Last edited:. Dec 11, 2017 1. Those three date code letters are separate from and unrelated to Glock's serial. This date code is found ONLY on pistols with the Austrian proof.

You may wonder why the letter sequence is not logical. The reason is that the Italian language does not use the full alphabet – J,K,W,X and Y are not used in Italian words. The letter O is missed out because of a possible confusion with zero, while Q also leads to confusion when stamped very small. Edited March 9, 2011 by Gordon R.