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Auto Ordnance Serial Number For 1911

Auto Ordnance Serial Number For 1911Auto Ordnance 1911a1 Serial Numbers

If I'm not mistaken - NUMRICH ARMS (West Hurley, NY) at one time owned the Thompson/AUTO ORDNANCE name and actually put together some firearms, including 1911A1 from USGI surplus and new parts???? Anybody else have that recollection?

Aug 27, 2009. This is an Auto-Ordnance “Thompson” line of 1911 style pistols. Thompson pistols are. Disassembly: Another new adventure for me is the take-down of a 1911 with a barrel bushing. Not difficult, but still. Could you provide the sources for your research into the serial number of this pistol? I own one (just.

Did a Google-fu search and found this: Quote' The name “Auto-Ordnance Corporation”, which had been abandoned in 1944, was re-registered in New York on June 14, 1974 by Numrich Arms Corp. Of West Hurley, New York. The new “Auto-Ordnance Corp.” had no connection with nor was it a successor in interest to the original Auto-Ordnance Corporation of Thompson, Ryan, Maguire, and “Tommy Gun” fame although its literature, catalogs, trademarks, and “Thompson” gun patterned to look like the original Thompson fools consumers into believing otherwise. Kahr Arms purchased the new “Auto-Ordnance Corp.” from Numrich Arms in 1998, apparently believing that they were actually buying the original Auto-Ordnance Corp., not the one created by Numrich Arms. • The Firearms Forum is on online community for all gun enthusiasts. Join us to discuss firearms of all kinds, gun accessories, legal issues and more.

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Oct 15, 2013. Maybe some of you with different serial numbers can call and see when yours was made. And post back here with date made and frame type. Thread: Auto-Ordnance serial numbers and date made. Just called Kahr for a date of manufacture on my AO 1911PKZ. Ser # AOA289xx. Nov 29, 2014. Auto ordnance 1911 question - posted in FIREARMS & ORDNANCE: The only true mil spec. 1911 I can find on the market is the one offered by AO. I know its got a hammer block so it is not a true mil spec. Its as close as I am going to find. I understand Springfield has discontinued their GI version. Feb 27, 2014. I'm also new to the forum and have a number of questions. I have a Thompson / Auto Ordinance Ao 1911 A1 with serial number AOC 22512.